How To Beat Meniere’s Disease

This is a first time documentary style film for a Collective film maker contest which was created, shot and narrated with help from my close friend Nathan who’s decided to help me with my photography and YouTube channel in my quest to make it a success.

I suffer from a debilitating inner ear disease called Meniere’s Disease and it’s time I start to share my story and help raise awareness. I’m currently undergoing testing for other illnesses I may have and will be sure to update my story as time goes on.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms and can relate, or simply need someone to talk to, please, reach out. These are just some of the symptoms I suffer from, unfortunately, the list also includes anxiety and depression. Thank you for watching and please subscribe as I plan to make a video series chronicling my experience.

#menieres #menieresdisease #vestibularmigraine

how to beat meniere's disease