Flu Ringing Ears

Each week, we take your questions and we answer them.

On this episode, Dr. Forwith talks about:
1. Is it harmful to use loratadine and Nasacort daily? If I don’t use them, I get stopped up at night.

2. I was diagnosed with a bovine allergy after being bitten by a lone star tick. Is it okay to get a flu shot? I was unsure if there could be anything in the flu shot that would cause a reaction.

3. I have a clogged ear and sound is muffled. I have tried drops, flushing and hot compresses with no luck. Any suggestions?

5. I was diagnosed with BPPV 2 months ago. I still have a mild dizziness, an increased level of tinnitus, & can still hear my pulse in my right ear. Is it normal to still be experiencing these symptoms at this point in time?
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flu ringing ears