Vitamins For Meniere’s Disease Inner Ear

Did you know a study done years ago shows that you may be able to reverse your Meniere’s Disease symptoms with a simple vitamin protocol? Check out the video for more details and how much to take. Links Below.
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Ménière’s disease is a debilitating condition that effects hundreds of thousands of people. Treatment options are limited but there is evidence that a natural and inexpensive option for Ménière’s disease exists and can be very effective. It’s a couple vitamin supplements that have some interesting research to back them up but there are some specific things you should know before taking them so make sure to watch to the end to get all the information you need!

How do you know if you have Meniere’s disease? It’s best to go to an ENT or Neurologist for a specific diagnosis but there are 4 main symptoms you will likely have if you have Meniere’s. They are: spontaneous episodes of vertigo which is a spinning sensation that lasts between 20 minutes and 4 hours. You might find that you sweat, get nauseated and vomit, not fun. It’s important to note that if your spinning lasts for about a minute or less its probably BPPV and not Meniere’s BPPV is actually much more common. The next main symptom you will have is hearing loss that may come and go. You will also probably have tinnitus or ringing in the ear a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear. These are the main symptoms of Meniere’s disease.

You will most likely be given the option of medications and surgery. The medications can be helpful but will have side affects and will not get to the root cause. The surgical options can be very effective but they are invasive and can result permanent hearing loss, lingering balance problems and other complications.

If you’re looking for a more natural way to help with Meniere’s disease I want to present you with a very safe, effective and affordable option. It is the use of vitamins to possibly heal your inner ear. There was a study done all the way back in 1940 in which 20 people with Meniere’s disease were treated with niacin and thiamine, this is Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B1. Of the 20 people in the study, 17 had their vertigo symptoms completely reversed. The other 3 had a noticeable improvement in the frequency and intensity of their vertigo attacks. In 10 of the cases the Tinnitus was cured and greatly reduced in the other 10. 12 people in the study showed an improvement in hearing.

All they did was take 250 mg of niacin and 20 mg of Vitamin B1 every day for 2 to 3 months. In the study they also recommended a high protein diet and high vitamin diet.

The thing you need to know about niacin is that it will cause a flush reaction. This can be alarming if you’re not expecting it, but now that you know it’s coming it will be much better. It starts as a warm prickly feeling in your forehead and works its way down you face, neck and upper body, sometimes going down to your legs as well. The higher the dose the more the flush reaction so its ok to start with a smaller dose. It also helps to take it with food. Most people stop flushing or have only very mild flush reactions after taking it for a few weeks. Niacin also had the wonderful side effects of lowering your LDL or bad cholesterol and raising your HDL or good cholesterol. There are also mental health benefits.

You’ve got nothing to lose by trying this Meniere’s Vitamin protocol and a whole lot to gain so I hope you’ll consider trying it. You don’t need to take any specific brand of vitamins for this to work but if you’d like a recommendation I’ll put a link in the description.

Thanks for watching! Please like and subscribe if this was useful and please share this if you know someone who is suffering from Meniere’s disease. Have a great day and stay strong!

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vitamins for meniere's disease inner ear